RSM River Mechanics Podcast
Conversations about River Mechanics, Sediment Transport, and Fluvial Geomorphology
Podcasting since 2022 • 31 episodes
RSM River Mechanics Podcast
Latest Episodes
Pierre Julien on Bed Forms, High Concentration Flow, and Engineering Rules of Thumb
Dr. Pierre Julien joined the Colorado State faculty almost 40 years ago, where he worked at CSU’s Engineering Research Center and Hydraulics laboratory. His book, Erosion and Sedimentation, is one of my most common references, and s...
Season 4
Episode 2

Ellen Wohl on World Rivers, River Restoration, and the Dimensions of Fluvial Connectivity
We’re kicking this season off with one of the most prolific researchers in River Science. Dr. Ellen Wohl is a Fluvial Geomorphologist at Colorado State’s Warner College of Natural Resources.As we will discuss, Dr. Wohl has ex...
Season 4
Episode 1

"Ask an Editor" with Amy East (Bonus short)
The peer review process can feel like hazing to a new (or not-so-new) river scientist. Many excellent practitioners are learning from their rivers every day, but it can feel like if it doesn't get into peer review, it doesn't "count." &nb...

Peter Wilcock on Gravel Bed Rivers, Partial Transport, Armor Layer Persistence and Channel Design (Plus Wilcock & Crowe)
When HEC hired me to add sediment transport to HEC-RAS almost 20 years ago now, I inherited a set of sediment transport functions that were mostly developed in the early to mid 20th century. These were – and continue to be – important...
Season 3
Episode 10

Mary Power on River Ecology, Disturbance, and Inverted Pyramids
tDr. Power is a food web ecologist at UC Berkeley, where she leads the Power lab which has compiled careful, long term data sets in the Angelo Reserve in Northern CA.In addition to her early work, in Panama and the Ozarks - whic...
Season 3
Episode 9